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The Consortium of Coffee Cooperative Cooperatives “COCOCA” is a union of Cooperatives of Coffee growers, created in October 2012 by Cooperatives having built their own depulping-washing stations.The Consortium of Coffee Cooperative Cooperatives “COCOCA” is a union of Cooperatives of Coffee growers, created in October 2012 by Cooperatives having built their own depulping-washing stations.The COCOCA union now counts 33 cooperatives with more than 27,000 member coffee growers, 34 Washing Stations and a HORAMAMA COFFEE DRY MILL.The cooperatives of coffee growers are the only shareholders in the COCOCA Union. Union COCOCA is designated by the terms “Cooperative Society”, registered in the national trade register under No. RC 85178 and identified at the tax level under number 4000144867.
The history of the creation of COCOCA was born of the National Confederation of Coffee Farmers Associations “CNAC-MURIMA W’ISANGI” in acronym in collaboration with the support organizations.
Our products / services
Services to coffee producing cooperatives
Development and operation of the coffee value chain within member cooperatives
Activities related mainly to the production, processing, Promotion, marketing, management, financing, marketing of coffee, and member capacity building.
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Bujumbura Mairie