AFRICAN Listing Details
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Following Decree No. 100/115 of April 30, 2013 reorganizing the Ministry, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has the following main missions:
Design, plan, coordinate and execute national policy on agriculture and livestock;
Regulate and monitor the operation and investment of agri-food sectors;
Ensure, in collaboration with other Ministries responsible for land management, the food security of the population through the promotion of food crops and animal production;
Develop and implement, in collaboration with the Ministries concerned, the national policy on soil protection and fertilization;
Promote the conservation, storage and processing of agricultural and livestock products;
Develop and implement strategies for crop defense and genetic improvement of local animal breeds without forgetting to rehabilitate endangered basic crops and animal breeds;
Promote appropriate animal and plant production;
Promote and supervise animal health structures;
Define and implement the national policy of mobilization for self-development and agro-sylvo-zootechnical popularization;
Promote and supervise the exploitation of fishing and fish farming products, in collaboration with public and private actors in agricultural and zootechnical research with a view to promoting market agriculture and livestock breeding allowing food security and growth income of the population;
Promote financing structures for agro-pastoral projects;
Ensure, in collaboration with the Ministry responsible for Public Health and other specialized organizations, the improvement of the population’s diet;
Develop and monitor the Ministry’s investment projects.
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