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The National Institute of Public Health was born from the need to have within the country, an institution of health and production of human resources at the different levels of the health system with capacities to generate, compile, analyze and disseminate information and the knowledge to make informed political and strategic decisions.
The INSP was created by decree n ° 100/090 of May 30, 1991 but officially started its activities on November 26, 1999.
In 2002, the Laboratories Department opened its doors to serve as the National Reference Laboratory in public health. Today, in addition to biological analyzes, the laboratory is monitoring the quality of medicines and is preparing to start monitoring water quality.
Finally, the Research Department started its activities in 2006.
Since then, the 3 missions contained in the decree of creation of the INSP namely: training, health research and biological analyzes and quality control, are materialized.
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