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API Congo.The Investment Promotion Agency (API), (L’Agence pour la Promotion des Investissements (API)) operating under the oversight of the Ministry responsible for private sector enhancement, is established as a financially independent public administrative entity as per Article 1 of Act no. 19-2012 dated 22 August 2012, which founded the Agency. Its governance structure includes an Executive Committee and General Management.
The Agency operates under the guidance of the Management Committee, with its activities coordinated by a Directorate General.
Our Objectives
Our core mission is to execute the government’s investment strategy by engaging in activities that promote and ease private investment;
We aim to contribute to the betterment of the business climate;
Our goal is to cultivate and market a compelling brand identity to allure prospective investors to the Congo.
Our products / services (list)
API delivers an array of services to investors, including:
Provision of comprehensive support to both foreign and domestic investors through the various phases of their investment project establishment;
Guidance in securing necessary visas for foreign personnel and obtaining permits for the execution of investment initiatives in the Congo;
Facilitation of partnership formation between Congolese and international enterprises;
Assistance to Congolese firms in broadening their operations;
Aid to foreign investors in identifying and leveraging opportunities for growth within the Congo;
Enhancement of corporate capacities;
Organization of business and trade events;
Supplying investors with accurate data on investment prospects and other relevant economic, commercial, and technical information;
Support in the execution of identification, feasibility, analysis, and evaluation studies pertaining to investment projects.