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The Kenya Tea Growers Association (KTGA) was established in 1931 by large-scale tea producers to promote the common interests of the members in the cultivation and manufacture of tea and to promote good industrial relations and sound wage policies for the workers.
Our products / services
To engage on behalf of our members in the formulation of legislation that affects tea growing and manufacture
To promote and coordinate compliance with the law in cultivation and manufacture of tea
To promote global competitiveness in tea production through compliance with national and international standards and certification requirements
Promote sustainability of tea production and manufacture through adoption and application of appropriate technology and human capital development
Collective bargaining with our industrial and labour relations partners
To collaborate with other connected Associations in the promotion of employers’ interests
To coordinate and roll out various developments in our members’ Corporate Social Responsibility activities. KTGA members collective support education through developing infrastructure and providing technical support in the management of the following institutions: Moi Tea Girls Secondary School, Kericho Primary School, Kericho Tea Boys High School, Taito KTGA Secondary School, Nandi Hills Primary School.
To benefit the communities in which our members operate through facilitating education, health and promotion of the overall social wellbeing and development.