AFRICAN Listing Details
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Who we are?
Established in 2005, Fairtrade Africa is the independent non-profit umbrella organisation representing all Fairtrade certified producers in Africa. Fairtrade Africa is owned by its members, who are African producer organisations certified against international Fairtrade standards producing traditional export commodities such as coffee, cocoa, tea, cotton, bananas, mango and non-traditional commodities including shea butter and rooibos tea. Currently, the organisation represents over 1,050,000 producers across 33 countries in Africa.
Fairtrade Africa is a membership-based organisation. The General Assembly (GA) held every two years is the highest decision making body. All members have the right to participate and vote for the election of the Fairtrade Africa Board through their regional representatives at the GA.
We work through primary structures such as product groups, country partnerships and regional networks which enable members to have a strong voice in the governance and management of the organisation. We operate four regional networks: Eastern and Central Africa Network (FTA-ECAN) based in Nairobi, Kenya; West Africa Network (FTA-WAN) based in Accra, Ghana and Southern Africa Network (FTA-SAN) based in Cape Town, South Africa. We also have a new network in Middle East and North Africa region whose regional office is soon to be established. The Fairtrade Africa secretariat is located in Nairobi, Kenya.. Fairtrade Africa has 50% ownership of the Fairtrade system.
Who are the producers?
Producers are members of Fairtrade Africa currently comprising over 410 Fairtrade certified producer organisations. All producers are certified against international Fairtrade standards producing traditional export commodities such as coffee, cocoa, tea, cotton, cut flowers, bananas, pineapples, mango and non-traditional commodities including shea butter, rooibos tea, vegetables and fresh and dry fruits.
Fairtrade Africa is made up of both small producer organisations (SPOs) and Hired Labour (HL). In HL set-ups, the focus is on supporting companies to provide better working conditions for their workers.
What Fairtrade does
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers.
It’s about supporting the development of thriving farming and worker communities that have more control over their futures and protecting the environment in which they live and work.
And it’s your opportunity to connect with the people who grow the produce that we all depend on.
Our products / services (list)
Support our members to strengthen their organisations in line with Fairtrade standards.
Improve and increase our members’ ability to access Fairtrade markets .
Empower our members to advocate for their interests and take active ownership of the global fair-trade system.
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