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Kenya Publishers’ Association is the umbrella body for book publishers in Kenya. This Association encourages the widest possible spread of printed books throughout Kenya and beyond.
To raise the profile of the publishing industry and promote the value of books for education, entertainment, personal development, and the preservation of Kenya’s cultural heritage.
To be a valued leader in the promotion of creativity, literacy, free flow of ideas, and nurture of a culture of readi
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Encourage the widest possible spread of printed and digital books throughout Kenya and beyond.
Promote and protect by all lawful means the interests of the publishing industry in Kenya.
Protect Members by dealing collectively with problems which can best be so dealt with.
Cooperate for mutual benefit with other organizations.
Serve as a medium for exchange of ideas with respect to publication, sales copyright and other matters of interest to book and digital books publishers located in Kenya and to form committees to report on such matters.
Maintain the Association in a sound and efficient financial condition.
Raise and maintain a common fund, including a general reserve, to be applied and used in carrying out the objects herein stated; provided that such portion of the common fund as the Association’s council shall from time to time determine or approve shall be allocated to the provision of financial or other reserves.
Extend the activities and usefulness of the Association as may seem desirable.
Make and publish Regulations and to secure by all lawful means the observance of all such Regulations
Act as a centre for information on the Production, Marketing, Selling and Distribution of books.
Negotiate and enter into agreements with users on a non-exclusive basis in regard to photocopying or similar reproduction (such as digital copying) of the published works of its members. The Association has the right to transfer the right to negotiate and enter into such agreements to a collective organization.
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