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Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives
Globally competitive and sustainable industrial, enterprise and cooperative sector
To create an enabling environment for a globally competitive, sustainable Industrial, enterprise and Co-operative sector through appropriate policy, legal and regulatory framework.
Guiding Principles
In order to reactivate the rapid and sustainable growth of the industrial and enterprise sector in Kenya, the following guiding principles adapted from the National Industrialization Policy (NIP) will be embraced
Enhancing productivity and competitiveness: The policy emphasizes increased productivity and competitiveness as one of the key guiding principles for expanding and maintaining the domestic and export markets in a liberalized environment.
Market access:Â The Plan takes cognizance of the need to regional and global markets for Kenya’s manufactured
High value addition and diversification: The Plan seeks to take advantage of the existing natural and human resource endowment to open up avenues value addition, creation of wealth, and employment generation It focus on promotion of processing of primary products.
Equitable development:Â The Plan lays a framework for equitable dispersion of industries throughout the country in order to accelerate the pace of development in all areas.
Technology and innovation:Â The Plan presents strategies for initiating innovation and technological advancement for boosting productivity and competitiveness of the industrial sector.
Fair trade practices:Â The Plan seeks to lay a foundation for developing the necessary infrastructure or enforcing Intellectual Property Rights to create a level playing platform for fair competition by guarding against property rights infringement preventing dumping of counterfeits and substandard and second hand goods.
Growth and graduation of MSMIs:Â The Plan embraces the principle of promoting the growth and graduation of MSMIs into large industries that will form the bedrock of industrialization.
Employment Creation:Â This Plan targets quality and sustainable employment creation.
Environmental Sustainability:Â The Plan recognizes the need to promote sustainable industrial development that upholds environmental protection, management and efficient resource utilization.
Compliance with the Kenya’s Current Constitution:Â The Plan advocates for policy, legal, and regulatory reforms to enhance compliance with the provisions of the Constitution and takes into account the constitutional provisions for a devolved structure of government and the particular call to encourage regional dispersal of industries as a basis for equity and empowerment across the nation.
Education and human resource development: The policy recognizes that industrialization can only take place when there is a strong and well trained workforce from all levels of training.
Our products / services
Industrialization and Cooperative Policy formulation and implementation
Implementation of the Industrial Property Rights regime
Private Sector Development Policy and Strategy
Quality Control including Industrial Standards development
Co-operative Savings, Credit and other Financial Services Policy and regulation
Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buy Kenya policy
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