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Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) is an umbrella body of farmers and farmer organizations in Malawi which was established in 2003 under the Trustees Incorporation with the aim of creating a conducive policy environment for farmers in Malawi. It is founded on three key operational areas namely; Institutional development, Policy and advocacy, and Agribusiness and market access.
The overall objective of FUM is to ensure that farmers effectively and meaningfully participate in the design, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, strategies, programs and plans aimed at improving the livelihoods of farmers in Malawi.
Its strategic framework is based on five pillars namely;
- Improving the agricultural policy and regulatory operating environment for market led growth and increased farmer incomes;
- Development of institutional/organizational capacity of FUM member farmer organizations and provision of member services;
- Women farmer empowerment;
- Development and implementation of climate change mitigation programs
- FUM organizational development
Our products / services
Promote the development of strong farmers’ representation in Malawi.
Support strengthening of member organizations capacity to deliver adequate service to their members,
Advance and protect the common interest of farmers locally, regionally and internationally
Institutional Development
Improve relevance of farmer’ organizations to farmers in Malawi
Improve credibility of farmer organizations to key stakeholders
Strengthen national commodity organizations.
Policy Analysis and Advocacy
To strengthen the capacity of farmers to participate in policy development and advocacy
To increase visibility of FUM in policy development
To influence effectiveness of FUM in policy development
Improved access to timely and accurate production and market information
Strengthen farmers capacity in agribusiness and marketing skills
Develop strong and sustainable partnerships