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South African Milk Processors’ Organization (SAMPRO) – Pretoria – South Africa
SAMPRO is a voluntary member organisation for the secondary dairy industry in South Africa with regional structures;
Members of the secondary dairy industry use milk to produce and manufacture dairy products, such as pasteurized milk, longlife milk, condensed milk, yoghurt, maas, cheese and milkpowder;
SAMPRO was established in 2003 to provide the secondary dairy industry with a unified instrument to deal with issues of common interest to the secondary dairy industry;
SAMPRO is financed by a membership fee;
SAMPRO has no financial interests in any business;
The actions of SAMPRO are in harmony with the Competition Act;
SAMPRO uses advisory committees of which the members are experts from in and outside the secondary dairy industry, to study and to deal with specialised issues;
SAMPRO regions are members of Milk SA, which is a section 21 company that deals with the collective interests of the primary dairy industry (raw milk producers), and secondary dairy industry. SAMPRO nominates 3 of the 6 members of the board of directors of Milk SA;
SAMPRO is a member of the Dairy Standard Agency (DSA) and actively supports DSA. The DSA is a section 21 company that was established by the organised dairy industry (MPO and SAMPRO) and the South African Consumers’ Union to promote, as an expert and objective body, the quality of dairy products.
SAMPRO supports the South African National Committee of the International Dairy Federation (SANCIDF) and the South African Society of Dairy Technology (SASDT). SAMPRO renders accounting services to the SANCIDF and accounting and secretarial services to the SASDT.
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Instrument to deal with issues of common interest to the secondary dairy industry
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South Africa