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Van Schaik Bookstore, with over 70 stores throughout Southern Africa (including 2 in Namibia, 4 in Swaziland and 1 in Botswana) and more than a 100 years of experience in supplying academic books to students, Van Schaik is the largest specialist academic book chain in the country. Van Schaik is also an official Unisa bookseller.
We have a specialist, dedicated contact centre to ensure that you get the right books you need for the courses that you’re studying.
Van Schaik Bookstore has a proud heritage as one of the oldest bookstores in southern Africa and reached our 100-year milestone in 2014. It is arguably Southern Africa’s leading academic bookstore chain with more than 70 stores located in South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland and Namibia. In addition to these outlets we have several seasonal sales points, online sales through our website and a library supply service. Van Schaik Bookstore, has experience in optimally servicing institutions, professionals and students by deploying the most appropriate sales channel required. Academic materials and associated products are supplied to an institution on campus or in some instances, a customized selling platform can be crafted in recognition of the diverse environments we serve. By maximizing Van Schaik Bookstore’s resources and vast experience, we are able to deliver a service to the institutions, staff and students comparable with the very best in the world. This is in line with the Company’s mission to service our clients in Africa with quality education material in order for them to achieve their educational goals, which in turn uplifts the greater community’s standard of living. Our excellence has been recognized by the garnering of industry awards such as the prestigious Sefika Academic Bookseller of the Year Award from 2012 to 2017.
Our vision:
Africa’s preferred supplier of academic resources.
Our mission:
Supply of academic resources to all students in Africa via retail stores and digital channels, by utilizing our expert knowledge and well developed infrastructure to deliver outstanding service.
Our values:
Respect, Informed, Excellence, Creativity and Integrity.
We provide products and services that support institutions, lecturers, other professionals and students. The products include academic and general books in electronic and print format, as well as reference material, lifestyle products, electronics and stationery. The services we offer are done through our bookstores, call centre, Direct Sales Unit, Library Division, and our online store,
We have a growing network of more than 70 retail bookstores in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. Our bookstores are conveniently situated on-campus or in the vicinity of tertiary institutions. We stock academic, resource and study material, as well as stationery and lifestyle products. Selected stores also stock tablets, laptops, general books, magazines and gift items.
Direct Sales Unit
Van Schaik Bookstore introduced a direct sales channel to give the company the ability to service market segments outside the confines of the traditional contact campuses. Our Direct Sales Consultants operate in all provinces and are based in nominated bookstores. Van Schaik Bookstore’s Direct Sales Unit supplies all textbooks and reference material to niche markets.
Library Division
The Library Division is a dedicated National library supplier focusing on the library market in South Africa. It operates in all provinces servicing schools, TVET Colleges, universities, municipal and provincial libraries.
Online was established in 2008 to expand our services and offers to customers who have the need to do their purchases in and at their own convenience. Our user-friendly online store assists customers world-wide to browse for products, purchase them or place an order on items not available immediately. Additional products including lifestyle-oriented items, general books, laptop computers, tablets, eBooks, software and more, continuously expanding the product range.
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