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The Cape Town International Convention Centre Company (Convenco), the holding company of the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) was formed in 1999 through collaboration between the City of Cape Town, the provincial government of the Western Cape and the business sector. It is jointly owned by the City of Cape Town (67.8% shareholding), the Western Cape Government (25.3% shareholding), and SunWest International (Pty) Ltd (6.9% shareholding).
The primary objective behind the formation of the holding company was to deliver a world-class international convention centre in Cape Town that would provide meeting, convention and exhibition services and facilities for local and international organisations and their guests. It was envisaged by the Convenco co-founders that the CTICC would have a sustainable positive impact on the economic and social development of Cape Town, the Western Cape and South Africa as a whole.
The CTICC’s vision is to become one of the world’s top 10 leading long-haul international convention centres by 2020. While this vision entails contributing significantly to the growth and revenue of tourism in South Africa, it is certainly not driven exclusively by commercial interests.
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