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The Department of Immigration was one of the eight (8) institutions where the IC initiative was piloted in 2006. The selection of the Department together with seven other institutions which included Ministry of Lands, Zambia Revenue Authority, Zambia Police, Public Service Fund, Lusaka City Council, Ndola City Council and Anti– Corruption Commission was based on the National Governance Baseline Survey Report finding .
Who is a DIIC Member?
A DIIC Member is an individual tasked with taking steps to prevent corruption within the Department.
How are DIIC Members Appointed?
They are appointed by the Director General of Immigration on behalf of the Secretary to the Cabinet who swears them in.
What is the composition of the DIIC?
The DIIC consists four (4) members drawn from various units/sections at middle and senior management level within the Department namely the Chairperson, Secretary and two other members. The Chairperson has a direct line to the Director General of Immigration.
Owing to the Department’s wide spread characteristic, the operations of DIIC have been decentralized through the appointment and training of Focal Point Persons at each busy Immigration Control.
What is the DIIC Secretariat?
The DIIC Secretariat is comprises none-DIIC members whose role is to record minutes of DIIC meetings, generate reports and carry out specific assignments delegated by the DIIC. The Secretariat is supervised by the DIIC Secretary.
Our products / services
Promote transparency and minimize opportunities for corruption by spearheading and facilitating the process of corruption prevention;
Deterring, detecting and exposing any instance of abuse of power and xenophobia;
The production and implementation of an annual Institutional Corruption Prevention Action Plan and budget in consultation with senior management and the ACC. The Action Plan will contain measurable steps;
Preparation of quarterly reports for submission by the Chief Executive Officer to the Secretary to the Cabinet through the ACC highlighting the progress made in the implementation of the Action Plan;
Facilitating the development and internalization of a Code of Ethics within the Department;
Facilitate the development and implementation of service charters within the Department;
Receiving, considering and providing redress on all complaints emanating from within and outside the organization relating to ethical issues and hindrances to efficient and effective service delivery.
Referring all complaints that are outside the Department’s competence to appropriate agencies/authorities for appropriate remedy/action; and
Recommending administrative action to Management as a response to complaints which have been substantiated.
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