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Arup is the largest multidisciplinary consultancy in Zimbabwe. Established in 1951, the local team provides civil, structural, electrical and mechanical engineering, as well as environmental services, strategic development, and urban and rural planning.
Arup brings together professionals from diverse disciplines and with complementary skills, on a uniquely global scale. The depth of expertise and sheer numbers of specialists allow Arup to take on complex, strategic projects that no other firm could deliver. We bring a longer term view than many others. By way of example, we completed the UK’s first international high speed railway, High Speed 1, also known as the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, on time and on budget. In fact we even influenced the alignment of the route, which paved the way for the UK to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games. And beyond that it’s driving to the lasting regeneration of London’s Stratford.
More recently, we completed an $888m update to New York’s Fulton Center – drawing together six subway stations and 12 underground lines in lower Manhattan.
Clients trust Arup’s people to question a vision as well as help to realise it. Arup’s commitment to a sustainable approach to all its projects is both enshrined in a formal sustainability policy and embraced personally by the individuals that together make up the firm. Arup’s ownership structure actively reinforces this approach and holds the firm accountable to its own people for its independent approach, and to its social and corporate responsibility.
Arup has a healthy mix of people with very different perspectives and from many cultures, working together, learning from each other and generously sharing their knowledge and ideas. International team-working is the stuff of everyday life for its people, who take advantage of the skills networks within the firm that allow easy collaboration between colleagues who may be on opposite sides of the world, but are working on the same or similar projects.
Talented people join Arup for the opportunity it provides to work on some of the world’s most exciting projects, to develop a specialism of their own or simply to find their niche. The chance to work with some of the world’s leading experts, the range of professional opportunities, and the support and freedom for innovation means that Arup remains a magnet for many of the world’s most talented engineers and designers
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