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Business located in Africa

Profile 1

Ministry of Health – Kinshasa – DR Congo

Ministere de la Sante. The Ministry of Public Health is the health ministry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It has a public health system based...
Profile 2

Ministry of Health – Accra – Ghana

The mission of the Ministry of Health  is to contribute to socio-economic development and the development of a local health industry by promoting health and...
Profile 3

Ministry of Public Health – Antananarivo – Madagascar

Ministère de la Santé Publique. The Ministry of Public Health aims to ensure the physical, mental and social well-being of the Malagasy population. The Ministry...
Profile 4

Ministry of Health and Child Care – Harare – Zimbabwe

Ministry of Health and Child Care.The overall purpose of the Ministry of Health and Child Care is to promote the health and quality of life...
Profile 5

Ministry of Health – Lusaka – Zambia

Ministry of Health. The Ministry aims to provide effective quality healthcare services close to the family as possible. This ensures equity of access to health...
Profile 6

Ministry of Health – Luanda – Angola

Ministerio da Saude. The Ministry of Health, abbreviated as MINSA, is the organ of the central administration of the State that executes, supervises and supervises...
Profile 7

National Institute of Health – Maputo – Mozambique

Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS).The National Institute of Health is the entity that manages, regulates and supervises activities related to the generation of scientific evidence...
Profile 8

Ministry of Health – Maputo – Mozambique

Ministério da Saúde Ministry of Health in Mozambique.
Profile 10

National Department of Health – Pretoria – South Africa

National Department of Health mission improve health status through the prevention of illnesses and the promotion of healthy lifestyles and to consistently improve the healthcare...