ProdAfrica - Non African Business Details
It was established in 1987 by the two largest Danish confederations, the Danish Federation of Trade Unions (LO) and the Danish Confederation of Salaried Employees and Civil Servants (FTF), now merged to the Danish Trade Union Confederation (FH). The Danish Trade Union Development Agency does not have individual members but the unions affiliated to FH have more than 1,400,000 members. The support from members is guaranteed through the well-established democratic structures in the Danish trade union movement.
The Danish Trade Union Development Agency contributes to the creation of fair democratic, social and economic conditions for all in developing countries through the development of sustainable labour markets with social dialogue, tripartite institutions and a democratic and well-functioning trade union movement.
Our Products / Services
Encourage and create decent employment and sustainable enterprises (informal economy, skills development)
Promote and guarantee rights at work (fundamental principles and rights at work)
Enhance social protection (extend social security and protection to all, including workers in informal economy)
Promote and strengthen social dialogue including collective bargaining (building social consensus in policy formation through tri-partite dialogue and improve industrial relations and working conditions through bi-partite collaboration and negotiations).
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