Tag: Coega Special Economic Zone in Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality Select search type Business located in Africa Economic Areas Business not located in Africa Events CategoryCategoryCategoryAGRICULTURAL AREASBUSINESS PARKCOMMERCIAL AREAENERGY PARKFISHING AREASINDUSTRIAL PARKLIVESTOCK AREASLOGISTIC PARKMIX PARKNATURAL RESOURCES AREASOTHER PARKTECHNOLOGICAL PARKAirportLess than 15 kmLess than 25 kmLess than 50 kmLess than 100 kmLess than 500 kmMore than 500 kmPortLess than 15 kmLess than 25 kmLess than 100 kmLess than 500 kmMore than 500 km Search Place SearchSearch Advanced Filters Livestock ProductAgricultural ProductNatural ResourceInternet connectionInternet connectionOptical fiberAdslBasic servicesBasic servicesCanalized waterGarbage CollectionElectricityUrban LightingRestaurantBusiness Association SearchSearch {"hide_search_input":false,"hide_near_input":false,"show":"","filters_pos":"","input_size":"","bar_flex_wrap":"","bar_flex_wrap_md":"","bar_flex_wrap_lg":"","input_border":"","input_border_opacity":"","input_rounded_size":"","btn_bg":"","btn_rounded_size":"","btn_rounded_size_md":"","btn_rounded_size_lg":"","bg":"info","mt":"","mr":"","mb":3,"ml":"","pt":"3","pr":"3","pb":"3","pl":"3","border":"orange","rounded":"","rounded_size":"","rounded_size_md":"","rounded_size_lg":"","shadow":"shadow-sm","css_class":""} Sort By Sort Options Type of Economic AreaNatural ResourcesLivestock ProductAgricultural ProductAirportPort Default View: Grid 1 View: Grid 2 View: Grid 3 View: Grid 4 View: Grid 5 View: List INDUSTRIAL PARK Favourite Coega Special Economic Zone – Port Elizabeth – South Africa Address: Coega Industrial Road, Coega Industrial Park, Nelson Mandela Bay Ward 60 Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality Eastern Cape 6100 South AfricaSpecial Economic Zone: Yes Type of Economic Area: Industrial Park Port: Less than 15 km Airport : Less than 15 km