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Ministerio da Saude. The Ministry of Health, abbreviated as MINSA, is the organ of the central administration of the State that executes, supervises and supervises the national health policy.
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Develop and propose the national health policy. Ensure its correct implementation, monitoring and periodic evaluation;
Promote the country's health development in coordination with related national sectors and partners of the national and international communities;
Promote the control and fight against endemic epidemics;
Promote the health of the population in general, and of the vulnerable population in particular, especially children and women, taking necessary measures to ensure equity and accessibility to health care;
Elaborate programs to solve specific health problems and submit them for approval by the Council of Ministers;
Promote the development of human resources, participating in their planning, training and supervision of the exercise of health professions in collaboration with other competent institutions;
Coordinate and guide the provision of health care at the level of the national health system, taking measures to constantly raise its quality;
Promote a healthy lifestyle, environment and food, disseminating knowledge for positive behavior modification;
Ensure the application of national and international health legislation and other legislation of public health interest;
Promote and coordinate social and resource mobilization for health development;
Promote and implement appropriate health technologies, particularly in the fields of infrastructure, pharmaceutical, medical-surgical and non-medical means;
Issue authorization or withdrawal from circulation on the national market of medicines, pharmaceuticals and herbal medicines;
Encourage research in the field of health and its use to improve the health status of the population;
Promote, in partnership with other organizations, forensic medicine;
Perform other functions that are involved.
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