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The mission of the Ministry of Finance of Angola is to propose, conduct, execute and evaluate public finance policy, promote the rational management of public financial and equity resources and the balance of public accounts, as well as implement public investment policies.
With the goal to transform the Ministry of Finance into a core organ of a Public Finance system based on a broad and diversified tax base, effective and not vulnerable to negative economic shocks.
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b) To prepare the proposal for the General State Budget, execute it and control it;
c) Propose the State's tax policy, guide and control its execution;
d) To manage the public debt of the State;
e) Coordinate and control the financial activity of public administrative entities with financial autonomy;
f) Exercise financial supervision over the entities of the indirect administration of the State and ensure the compliance of revenue collection and expenditure execution processes;
g) Superintend the activities of the Public Business Sector, management companies of regulated markets, financial institutions with mostly public capital, insurance and pension funds, games, accounting and auditing and public funds;
h) Ownership of State assets, including those of the Public Business Sector;
i) Evaluate and control the activities of the fiscal councils of public companies, companies with mostly public capital and public institutes;
j) Execute the policy and program for privatization, restructuring, management and control of State participation;
k) Superintend the non-banking financial system and the securities market;
l) To hold and manage the national treasury;
m) Participate in the definition of the regulatory norms for the administration and management of the State's non-financial assets and control their execution;
n) Develop proposals for rules that regulate public accounting;
o) Designing the national insurance and reinsurance and pension fund policy, as well as regulating and supervising its execution;
p) To prepare the Public Investment Program, in conjunction with the other bodies of the State's Central and Local Administration, as well as to develop the methodologies necessary for the proper management of the Public Investment Program;
q) Define the public procurement policy;
r) Define the policy for exercising the Games activity;
s) To ensure the coordination and financial relationship of the State with multilateral financial institutions, international organizations and regional organizations;
t) Define the income and price policy, ensuring its consistency;
u) Define the market regulation policies and propose the adoption of measures that stimulate competition between the various economic agents, in the interests of the consumer and economic development;
v) To ensure the management and application of State policies on economic regulation and the defense of competition;
w) Propose and enforce the rules of healthy competition in the market;
x) Collaborate in the elaboration of monetary, foreign exchange and credit policies, as well as monitor their execution;
y) Collaborate with the competent bodies in the formulation and application of the remuneration policy in the Public Administration, of social security contributions and benefits, in line with the income and price policy;
z) Propose principles and rules related to municipal finances;
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