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Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mali (Ministère de l’Économie et des Finances) plays a central role in the formulation and execution of the country’s economic policies. This ministry is responsible for the financial management and economic planning necessary to drive Mali’s development and ensure economic stability.
Our products / services (list)
Coordination of the Government's policy in economic, financial, and monetary matters;
Development of the macroeconomic framework for medium and long-term economic policies;
Formulation of measures to increase state resources and improve the efficiency of public spending;
Economic forecasting and monitoring of the economic situation;
Development of economic and financial statistics and conducting studies;
Preparation and execution of finance laws, the State Budget, and cash flow plans;
Development and application of tax and customs regulations;
Regular supply of petroleum products in the country;
Financial supervision of local authorities and public bodies receiving state support;
Financial control of public services and organizations;
Strengthening financial intermediation and promoting financial inclusion;
Monitoring and controlling banks, financial institutions and credit institutions, decentralized financial systems, and insurance companies;
Development and control of the implementation of public procurement regulations and public service delegations;
Maintaining public accounting;
Management of public debt;
Management of the state portfolio and financial holdings;
Centralizing, studying, and shaping investment programs and projects proposed by ministerial departments;
Supporting the mobilization of funding for approved programs and projects from development partners and monitoring their implementation, in conjunction with the concerned ministers and the minister responsible for international cooperation;
Participation in the evaluation of programs and projects included in the state's investment program and benefiting from external funds;
Development of statistics and harmonization of sectoral statistics related to the economic and social situation of the country;
Monitoring, evaluating, selecting, and managing public-private partnership projects;
Participation in combating financial crime and money laundering;
Mobilizing financing for the development of scientific research;
Preparation and execution of the state budget;
Preparation and execution of the state's cash flow plans;
Financial control of the state over public services and boards;
Financial supervision of personalized organizations and local authorities;
Designing and implementing public procurement policies and legislation;
Collecting, processing, and analyzing statistical data within the framework of the implementation of the master plan's monitoring and evaluation (SDS);
Initiating and supporting population and development studies and research to make demographic projections and monitor population movement indicators;
Collecting, processing, and disseminating population data necessary for public policy formulation and creating demographic databases;
Monitoring the consideration of population issues in national policies.
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