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Improve the competitiveness of CCM members and help them to be players on a global scale through pro-activity.
The Chamber of Commerce of Mozambique, abbreviated as CCM, is an association of companies with administrative, financial and assets autonomy for non-profit purposes.
The legal capacity of CCM covers all rights and obligations necessary and convenient to the pursuit of its corporate purpose, defined in these Statutes.
The CCM has its headquarters in Maputo, and may establish any other form of representation in the country or abroad whenever circumstances warrant.
Its duration is indefinite, being governed by the present Statutes, counting the beginning of its activities, from July 16, 1980.
Our products / services (list)
To promote the harmonious development of the activities of its members at home and abroad.
Establish and develop cooperative relations with international trade bodies and institutions, Chambers of Commerce and any other entities relevant to its purpose, at home and abroad.
To sign agreements, covenants and cooperation agreements with other similar bodies, and to join associations, federations, national and foreign bodies, in accordance with the needs for the realization of the associative purposes and the pursuit of the common objectives of its members.
Technical and juridical support in the country or abroad the general interests of its members, as well as the foreign trade operations that they carry out.
Organize and coordinate trade delegations visiting abroad, invite and receive delegations from other countries visiting the Republic of Mozambique.
Present and defend with the organs of the State and the competent administrative authorities the views and the general interests of its members.
Participate, whenever possible, in the study and discussion of trade agreements with other countries and may represent the interests of its members in the respective negotiations.
Organize conferences on the national economy at home and abroad.
Promote and disseminate products of national origin abroad.
Study and disseminate by its members the forms of organization and operation of trade in other countries.
Periodically edit a newsletter and advertising on issues of their competence.
Promote, through adequate training programs, the professional development of CCM members and staff.
Like other Chambers at international level, promote and certify the originality of national products.
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