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The Maputo Central Hospital is a national health unit of quaternary level, which carries out assistance, training and research activities.
With over 100 years of existence, HCM currently has 1,500 beds in a variety of clinical departments and support services and provides care to patients across the country in almost every medical and surgical area.
With around 4000 workers distributed by different professional groups, namely doctors, administrative, security, personnel from support areas such as kitchen, laundry, sterilization, among others.
In addition to routine activities, HCM has developed in recent years technically excellent activities such as Hemodialysis Unit, Orthopedic Hip and Knee Prosthetic Surgery and Open Heart Surgery with extra-corporeal circulation. It also has capacity for auxiliary diagnostic exams such as Computed Axial Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance, Mammography among others.
At HCM are trained General Practitioners, Specialists from various fields, nurses, mid-level and senior technicians from various areas of health.
It is also an important center for clinical research, in partnership with other research institutions, both national and international.
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Department of Pediatrics
Department of Medicine
Department of Surgery
Department of Orthopedics
Department of Physical Medicine and Reabilitation
Gynecology and Obstetrics Department
Special Clinic Department
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