AFRICAN Listing Details
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Bank of Namibia. Vision
Our vision is to be a centre of excellence – a professional and credible institution – working in the public interest, and supporting the achievement of the national economic development goals.
To support economic growth and development in Namibia, we:
act as fiscal adviser and banker to Government
promote price stability
manage reserves and currency
ensure sound financial system and
conduct economic research
We value high performance impact and excellence.
We uphold open communication, diversity, integrity and teamwork.
We care for each other’s well-being.
Our products / services (list)
To promote and maintain a sound monetary, credit and financial system, in Namibia and sustain the liquidity, solvency and functioning of that system.
To promote and maintain internal and external monetary stability and efficient payment mechanism;
To foster monetary, credit and financial conditions conducive to the orderly, balanced and sustained economic development of Namibia;
To serve as the Governments’ banker, financial advisor and fiscal agent; and
To assist in the attainment of national economic goals.
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