Sambi Coffee – Bujumbura – Burundi

Sambi Coffee: the excellence of the best roasted coffee of high quality. Sambi Coffee is a registered trademark of Core Burundi SPRL. To give to Sambi coffee these delicious flavors and aromas during roasting, we select the green coffee with the utmost care. In addition, the coffee roasting factory has the roasting license of the Read more…

Nyika National Park – Malawi

Nyika National Park.This is Malawi’s largest park at 3250 sq. kms, the longest established and one of the most unusual in Africa and at a magnificent 2500 metres above sea level is mainly high rolling grassland. Home to over 200 types of orchid flower, proteas, irises, aloes during the rainy season, over 400 species of Read more…

Tourism KwaZulu-Natal – Durban – South Africa

KwaZulu-Natal is a traveller’s dream and with the seemingly perpetual summer of our subtropical climate, it is not suprising that we are famous for our outdoor activities, beaches, natural environment, sporting events and the variety of adventure activities.   The mission of this organisation is to initiate, facilitate, co-ordinate and implement: strategic tourism marketing, and demand–driven Read more…

Tabia Safaris – Arusha – Tanzania

Tabia Safaris We are a local agency set in Tanzania, created by two European ethologists and a Tanzanian expert. We are specialists in private safaris in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Our aim is to achieve a more personalized Safari for each group, adapting ourselves to our travellers, offering a wide range of possibilities, not conventional Read more…

Shadows of Africa Ltd – Arusha – Tanzania

We, at Shadows of Africa, live in Africa, where we enjoy the intact and unique beauty of this continent every day. It inspired our enthusiasm for learning more about its people, history, culture, wildlife and ancient places. This irresistible enthusiasm motivated us to create Shadows of Africa. It will be our great pleasure to invite Read more…

Airport Shuttle Capetown – Cape Town – South Africa

Airport Shuttle Capetown Exclusive and affordable shuttle service to and from Cape Town International Airport in our safe, comfortable, well-maintained & air-conditioned vehicles. We offer the best shuttle service in Cape Town which is the luxurious and affordable price for tourist. We required an airport Shuttle from airport home and a connecting trip on the Read more…

Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) – Maseru – Lesotho

Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), was established in 1976, as a national and broad based business association – open to all business activities in Lesotho. It is the oldest non-profit aligned and independent constitution with members emanating from all social, economic and political backgrounds and affiliations. Since its establishment, LCCI has evolved from Read more…

Walvis Bay – Namibia

The Port Walvis Bay is Namibia’s largest commercial port, receiving approximately 3,000 vessel calls each year and handling about 5 million tonnes of cargo. The Port of Walvis Bay is a secure, efficient and world-class port. Temperate weather conditions are experienced all year round and no delays are caused by weather. Its world-class infrastructure and Read more…

Luanda Port – Luanda – Angola

General Cargo Terminal (MULTI-TERMINAL) Concessionaire – MULTITERMINAIS Concession Area: 80,000 m² Limits: exploration area 4,262 m² – access area a) Limits: North East and West by South and South with the Porto de Luanda peripheral road, with the Multipurpose Terminal and with the Naval support area. Cais: 900 meters of acostável cais with funds of: Read more…