Museu da Moeda – Luanda – Angola

O Museu da Moeda foi construído em dois anos e sete meses, com uma extensão de 4.425,20 m2, sendo que 3.873,45m2 correspondem à área útil de construção perfazendo um total de 4900,00m2 de área bruta construída.  Cada metro quadrado deste museu vem, originalmente de Angola. Desde o projecto de arquitectura, até cada fragmento de pedra Read more…

The Kampala Serena Hotel – Kampala – Uganda

The Kampala Serena Hotel is an oasis of cool and green, with a secure environment ideally located in an excellent location in the heart of Kampala, which is the focal point of national, regional, corporate, political and social life. Surrounded by 17 acres of beautifully manicured water gardens, our hotel attracts visitors to Kampala seeking 5-star Read more…

Gorongosa National Park – Sofala – Mozambique

Gorongosa National Park (GNP) in Mozambique is perhaps Africa’s greatest wildlife restoration story. In 2008 a 20 year Public-Private Partnership was established for the joint management of GNP between the Government of Mozambique and the Carr Foundation (Gorongosa Restoration Project), a US nonprofit organization. On July 25, 2016 it was published in the Bulletin of the Republic of Read more…

Nyabuhama Primary School – Nyabuhama – Uganda

Nyabuhama Primary School was started in 1974 as a community church School The School islocated along the Kampala-Mbarara high way 12KM off the main road and it’s the only primaryschool in this community of Nyabuhama. Nyabuhama primary school has a total population of 311 pupils as of August 2017 with 160 girls and 151 boys. Read more…

African Union (AU) – Addis Ababa – Ethiopia

The African Union (AU) is a continental organization established to promote unity, cooperation, and economic development across Africa. Founded on July 9, 2002, in Durban, South Africa, it succeeded the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which had been in existence since 1963. The AU’s main objective is to drive Africa toward greater political and economic Read more…

Equator – Uganda

An equator is the intersection of the surface of a rotating spheroid (such as a planet) with the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation and midway between its poles. On Earth, the Equator is an imaginary line on the surface, equidistant from the North and South Poles, dividing the Earth into Northern and Southern Read more…

Arboretum d’Antsokay – Toilara – Madagascar

Arboretum d’Antsokay or Antsokay Arboretum is a botanical garden near the city of Toliara in Madagascar. About 900 plant species grow in the Arboretum, 90% of these endemic to Madagascar, 80% of them considered to have medicinal value and many threatened with extinction. Lonely Planet and Rough Guides both list the Arboretum as the top Read more…

Parc National Tsimanapesotse – Atsimo-Andrefana – Madagascar

Parc National Terrestre abritant le 1er site RAMSAR de Madagascar. Biodiversité affichant une endémicité remarquable avoisinant les 75%. Haut et bas fourré xérophile avec forêt mixte et forêt littorale. Lieu d’hivernage important pour l’avifaune aquatique tels les flamants roses. Changement de couleur du lac dans la matinée du à la présence de sulfate de chaux et Read more…

Madagascar National Parks – Antananarivo – Madagascar

Gestionnaire de 43 Aires Protégées réparties sur une surface de plus de 2 millions d’hectares dont 7 classées sites Patrimoine Mondial, 2 sites RAMSAR et 3 Réserves de Biosphère. Madagascar National Parks est une association malagasy de droit privé, reconnue d’utilité publique et opérante sous la tutelle du Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Ecologie, de la Mer et Read more…

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport – Nairobi – Kenya

The Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Africa’s premier hub and ideal gateway into and out of East and Central Africa. JKIA is the flagship airport of The KAA. The airport boasts of over 40 passenger airlines and 25 cargo airlines. Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, formerly called Embakasi Airport and Nairobi International Airport, is Kenya’s Read more…