SafariWise – Swakopmund – Namibia

SafariWise is a family run business. Our knowledge of Africa and our experience in leading specialized safaris, has continued to grow over the last 19 years. SafariWise endeavours to: Create memories for our guests that will be treasured, never to be forgotten. Cater for those with a sense of adventure and a heart for fun! Read more…

Namibia Development Corporation – Windhoek – Namibia

The Namibia Development Corporation (NDC) was established under the Namibia Development Corporation Act, Act 18 of 1993.  The Government of the Republic of Namibia has a 100% shareholding in the NDC, but the Corporation is controlled by an autonomous Board of Directors. The Board consists of 12 (twelve) members; 7 (seven) who are elected from Read more…

Matusadona National Park – Zimbabwe

Matusadona was proclaimed a non-hunting area on 7 November 1958 before being declared as a Game Reserve in 1963, and then in 1975 it became a National Park, under the Parks & Wildlife Act of Rhodesia. Matusadona National Park covers 1,400 km2 (540 sq mi) of flat plains and rugged mountains protecting a diverse flora Read more…

Masa Square Hotel – Gaborone – Botswana

The Masa Square Hotel in Gabarone has been designed as a beacon for comfort, class and to capture the essence of the elegance of Botswana for those who are travelling for both business and leisure. The Masa Square Hotel is located in the iconic Masa Square and as far as hotels in Botswana go – The Masa Square Hotel’sfinely detailed accommodation and services are ultimately Read more…

Macmillan Education – Gaborone – Botswana

Our specialised publishing team works with respected authors and educationalists in Botswana, in developing and evaluating materials of the highest standard and quality that enhances the teaching and learning experience for everyone. We also partner with reputable booksellers to make educational resources easily accessible. Macmillan Education is a world class educational content and service provider. Read more…

beMOBILE – Gaborone – Botswana

About Us On the 1st of November 2012, Botswana Telecommunications Corporation ( BTC )was converted from a statutory body into a public company limited by shares, in accordance with the Transition Act and Companies Act, and renamed Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited. Background Botswana Telecommunications Corporation (BTC) was established in 1980 as a body corporate by Read more…

Elephant Valley Lodge – Chobe – Botswana

Elephant Valley Lodge is surrounded by the peaceful wilderness of the African bush. It lies in a unique position over-looking the Lesoma Valley in the Chobe District, which is home to the largest population of African elephant in the world. The animals and birds move freely in the valley between the game-rich conservation areas of Read more…

Banana Boat Africa Crafts – Kampala – Uganda

Each item is carefully chosen to inspire you. From skillfully woven baskets to hand made leather sandals, we only choose the best. Banana Boat also has fun designing and developing crafts with Ugandan women’s groups, families and small workshops combining traditional skills with fresh ideas. Banana Boat provides work opportunities for local crafters, small entrepreneurs Read more…

PwC – Gaborone – Botswana

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 208,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services.    PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each Read more…