Tag: Africa

Cooperativism in Africa: A Model of Social Economy

Cooperativism is an economic and social model that has been successful in many countries around the world. It is based on the principles of cooperation, mutual aid, and self-help. Cooperatives are member-owned organizations that operate for the benefit of their members, rather than for profit. In Africa, cooperatives have become an important model of social Read more…

GDP per sectors in Africa

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the economic output of a country. The GDP of African countries is made up of several economic sectors, including agriculture, industry, and services. In this article, we will take a closer look at the GDP in African countries by economic sectors. The contribution of each sector Read more…

El algodón de Uganda

  La planta del algodón es un arbusto del género de las malváceas, que tiene su origen en África, América y la India. Alrededor de las semillas de la planta del algodón, crece el algodón, una fibra textil vegetal considerada la fibra natural de mayor importancia del mundo. Casi el 10% de algodón producido en Read more…