However, after many trips to Botswana, I have been able to observe how the capacity for economic development is imbued with the desire to make the country one of the places of reference in the southern hemisphere.
At tourist level, it is one of the powers of the area and its commitment to sustainable tourism is commendable.
At the social level with the universalization of basic services, such as education or health.
And now financially, with the aim of making Botswana, and more specifically its capital, Gaborone, an economic center of reference.
However it is not easy, Botswana is not the only country that wants to become a place of reference. In Africa, in Asia in Latin America there are, have been and are in the pipeline, excellent projects to attract the eyes of economic giants. Projects based on sports, cultural or economic events and that spare no expense, magnificence and gigantism. With governments turned to them in the hope of a future splendorous based on ruthless investments without meaning. Projects erroneously short-term. We will not make a list of such projects here, but surely many of us have a few in our heads.
The government has recently published Botswana Vison 2036 where it emphasizes concepts such as Sustainable Economic Development, Human and Social Development, Sustainable Environment and Good Governance, Peace and Security.
Bostwana is not an easy country, by its geography, by its climate, by but if it is a determined country. And must decide:
- Decision to lead the future projects of the SADC area.
- Decide to promote economic projects in the medium and long term. Projects that involve the population and do not exclude it. In a country of entrepreneurs the opportunities must be in every corner and society itself knows how to take advantage of them.
- It must also decide whether investments should be short-term or follow an elaborate development plan
- Decide if the bet really is for a destructive or attractive urbanism. An urbanism that does not eliminate the African essence of its cities and turn them into the chaos of the cities halfway unmade. In Africa there are some examples of this.
- An attractive urbanism that attracts managers and entrepreneurs. Quality of life.
- Decide by betting that the tourist sector makes Gaborone a tourist distribution center. Botswana tourism from Botswana. Not from other countries.
- Decide to teach the Botswana world. In a sustained way. There are hundreds of countries doing advertising campaigns every year. Constancy and vision in the medium and long term will record the image and the mark of Bostwana in the mind of the people.
- And of course, decide to import knowledge, not just money. Short-term investors are the ruin of the economy of developing countries. It is true that in our global world the financial agents are nothing more than to make money quickly, but that money does not enrich the object of their investment, it impoverishes it. To import knowledge is to import future and future wealth.
Botswana Investment and Trade Center (BITC), Botswana Tourism (BTO) are some of the agencies that strongly push this country into the future. Bringing new and exciting ideas and projects.
Someone said that where there is a desire there is a way. Africa is the future. And Botswana is already present.

Juan Esteban Reina (Barcelona). Degree in Human Geography. Heads the ProdAfrica team.
Spcialist in urbanism, geomarketing and tourism. He is currently developing projects oriented to consultancy especially in fields such as tourism, business and commercial development, as well as promoting business between Africa and Europe.
His passion is Africa. He firmly believes in the future of the continent and the ability of its people to achieve a better future for future generations.