Category: ECONOMY

Connecting Madrid and SADC: Building a Stronger Economic Future Together

Madrid, the capital city of Spain, has been at the forefront of economic growth in Europe in the past few decades. With its strategic location, favorable business climate, and skilled workforce, Madrid has attracted numerous foreign investments in various sectors, including finance, technology, and infrastructure. However, there is still much potential for further growth and Read more…

Nelson Mandela in the spirit of Africa

Nelson Mandela is one of the most iconic figures of Africa, known for his courage, his unwavering commitment to justice and equality, and his enduring spirit of hope. Born in 1918 in the rural village of Mvezo in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, Mandela grew up in a society that was deeply divided along Read more…

Interview with the creator of ProdAfrica Business Directory

Interview with Mr. Juan Esteban Reina CEO of ProdAfrica Business Directory. About the objective of this company to give visibility and improve the chances of companies, cooperatives and entrepreneurs to show their products and services in Europe. Interviewer: Good morning Mr. Juan Esteban Reina, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. Read more…

The growing up of the gdp between 2022-2021 in the african countries

The GDP growth rates in African countries between 2021 and 2022 have been quite diverse, with some countries experiencing robust growth while others have experienced negative or sluggish growth. Nonetheless, the overall trend has been positive, with many countries recording growth rates above the global average. According to data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Read more…

Internet in African countries

The internet has become a ubiquitous tool in modern society, with millions of people around the world accessing the web daily to communicate, gather information, and conduct business. While internet access is widespread in developed nations, it has been slower to penetrate many African countries due to a lack of infrastructure and economic resources. However, Read more…

Fertility rate and poverty in African countries

Fertility rates are defined as the number of live births per woman of reproductive age in a particular population. Poverty, on the other hand, is a condition characterized by a lack of resources, including food, shelter, healthcare, and education. Poverty affects individuals and families’ ability to meet their basic needs, which can ultimately have an Read more…

GDP per sectors in Africa

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the economic output of a country. The GDP of African countries is made up of several economic sectors, including agriculture, industry, and services. In this article, we will take a closer look at the GDP in African countries by economic sectors. The contribution of each sector Read more…

The Southern African Development Community

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a regional organization that was established in 1980 to promote economic and political cooperation among southern African countries. With a membership of 16 countries, SADC is one of the largest regional organizations in Africa and plays a critical role in promoting peace, stability, and economic growth in the Read more…

Angola from a civil war to a great economic future.

Angola, located in southern Africa, has come a long way from its tumultuous past as a nation torn apart by civil war. The country was plunged into conflict soon after gaining independence from Portugal in 1975, and the fighting raged on for more than a quarter of a century, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives Read more…