Berry Bliss Guest House – Gaborone – Botswana

We cater to you, our discerning client, providing Homely, Exclusive and Personalised Accommodation, Hospitality and Entertainment services. Berry Bliss Guest House, situated at the heart of the ever growing City of Gaborone, in the secure and established residential suburb of Phase 2, 10 minutes drive from the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport, 15 minutes from Read more…

Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities – Kampala – Uganda

Mandate The mandate of the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage (MTWH) is derived from Article 189 and Sixth Schedule the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1995), Uganda Wildlife Act Cap 200, Uganda Tourism Act, 2008, Historical Monuments Act 1967, Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2006. Our Mandate is: “To formulate and implement Read more…

Lake Victoria – Uganda

Lake Victoria. It is the largest lake in Africa and the second largest freshwater lake in the world at 68,800 sq km of area and 1100m above sea level it is shared by Uganda and Kenya. Arguably, Lake Victoria’s appeal is the cruises and fishing trips. Cruises on Lake Victoria are available on boats-for-hire and Read more…

Bwabwata National Park – Namibia

The park was first proclaimed as the Caprivi Game Reserve in 1966 and upgraded to the Caprivi Game Park in 1968. It was gazetted as the Bwabwata National Park in 2007 and incorporated the former Mahango Game Reserve. The park has had a chequered history as it was declared a military area by the South Read more…

Ministry of Investment Trade and Industry – Botswana

The Ministry of Trade and Industry’s (MTI) mandate is to provide a conducive environment for growing the economy and creating wealth. DEPARTMENTS Department of Trade and Consumer Affairs (DTCA) Department of Industrial Affairs (DIA) Department for Co-operatives Development (DCD) Department of International Trade (DIT) Economic Diversification Drive Unit (EDDU) Doing Business and Investment Unit Research Read more…

Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve – Malawi

Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve lies on the watershed between Lake Malawi and the Luangwa valley on 11° 00’s and 33″ 28’E. It is located on the Central African Plateau, west of northern Malawi and covers and area of986 km’. Its northern boundary coincides with the Malawi -Zambia border. It is bounded by subsistence farmers on Read more…

Entebbe International Airport – Uganda

Entebbe International Airport lies astride the equator at latitude 00.020 North and longitude 320 East, for which reason it has often been described as the “Airport on the Equator”. Elevated at 3782 feet above sea level, the airport is part of a peninsular bordering Africa’s biggest fresh-water-lake, Victoria. Entebbe has a tropical climate all year Read more…

European Union Delegation – Kampala – Uganda

Inform Ugandan citizens about the European Union‘s Delegation activities in Uganda and in the Great Lakes Region. It also offers many linkages to other activities and presence of the EU in the world. Our work in Uganda is closely coordinated with our Member States particularly those having an Embassy or office in Uganda. The EU Read more…

Mount Elgon National Park – Uganda

Mount Elgon is a popular destination for nature lovers providing an exclusive domain for backpackers with numerous birding trails. The extinct volcanic mountain is an important watershed supporting a rich variety of vegetation zones ranging from montane forest to high open moorland studded with the other worldly giant lobelia and groundsel plants. The recent development Read more…

The Murchison Falls National Park – Uganda

The Murchison Falls National Park lies at the northern end of the Albertine Rift Valley, where the bulky Bunyoro escarpment merges into the vast plains of Acholi land. One of Uganda’s oldest conservation areas, it was initially gazetted as a game reserve in 1926 to protect a savanna that Winston Churchill described in 1907 as Read more…