XUKRA is a positivity-driven corporate communication system that aims to build a gratitude-based work culture, where everyone’s work is recognized and rewarded. The platform seeks to create inclusive workplaces by focusing on four levels: design, strategies, systems, and sustainable impact. Through a gamification system, XUKRA fosters gratitude and recognition, translating into tangible benefits for companies, such as improved performance and greater employee engagement. Additionally, the platform aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically the goals related to well-being, the circular economy, and responsible production and consumption.
1. Mais, thank you very much for this conversation with ProdAfrica. To start, could you briefly tell us what XUKRA is and what its main mission is?

Thank you for having me, I love talking about XUKRA”. Looking deeper into XUKRA: The idea of XUKRA” started in 2022 when I began MTiPX hiring process and faced the fear of having injustice within the enterprise as it grows. It started as an internal system, based on my workplace well-being experience and toxic workplace exposure. The main mission is to build a high-quality gratitude culture where everyone’s work is acknowledged in a system that provides instant rewards, and mapping that also contributes to ROI reviews and ESG reporting. In many ways, the system did not reinvent the wheel. It prioritises what matters to the CEO and to the employees in a system that closes the circular economy loop.
2. XUKRA defines itself as a “positivity-driven corporate communication system.” Could you explain what this means in practice? and how it translates into tangible benefits?
A positive-driven workplace environment is a results-driven environment that focuses on adding value through products, services and operations. Butting that into practice within XUKRA” frameworks: As employees contribute to the business operations and services delivery they are receiving points in a gamification system where the initiator of gratitude and efforts acknowledgement gets point more than the task accomplisher in a way that reserves credits of work for everyone and work credit is the main reason for workplace conflicts.
By eliminating one of the major causes of conflict and building a communication system that Serves higher goals like UNSDGs and corporate ESGs the cause of conflicts vanishes.
3. One of the pillars of XUKRA is the creation of inclusive workplaces. What concrete strategies does the platform offer to achieve this goal?
To answer the concrete strategy for inclusive workplaces we will use some imagination, then I will reanswer your question in one line. Imagine you are in a dark place, all that you see and talk about is darkness, darkness is the main topic, it’s the topic that consumes resources and time. This is how focusing on fixing exclusion and creating team-building events look and feel like.
Now, the more we focus on darkness the longer this darkness will last. XUKRA” speaks the inclusion language, exclusion is not an option. It’s as simple as turning the light on, talking about darkness under the sun is meaningless and the same applies to the terminology of exclusion within an inclusive environment. When communication is clear, credit is reserved and rewards are instant, teams will have the capacity to contribute positively to the workplace and society.
4. The platform focuses on four levels of inclusion in the workplace: design, strategies, systems, and sustainable impact. Could you briefly describe each of these levels and how they interconnect?
XUKRA builds inclusion from a well-being starting point. The platform addresses four areas now and nine areas in total. We will need to dive deeper into “well-being” to answer yours effectively. The connection is creating an impact by nourishing well-being.
A state of well-being is when we can make optimal decisions and choices, it’s when we can minimize life distractions and keep it under manageable levels. Thus, as business owners, the priority is to establish a work environment that boosts wellbeing which is a very achievable goal when compared to eliminating exclusion. A business owner cannot stop bad behaviour without significant consequences and losses, usually, the best employees will leave toxic workplaces. Yet, it’s super achievable to set inclusion targets and team up to achieve them in a Top-down approach.
XUKRA” has the strategic vision flowing Top-Down approach, yet empowers bottom-up teams’ impact, this gets the simplest task recognised. You might imagine highly detailed work frames, it this is not the case at all, it’s the opposite, inclusion is a result of abstracting not detailing, just like focusing on our blood colour and types are the same all around the globe. Unlike exclusion, inclusion has clear manifestation patterns just like the predictability of blood types, we all have blood, heart and brain.
XUKRA” bring out the best of teams’ collective brain by acknowledging inclusion basics and prioritising gratitude.
These basics are physical inclusion, technological inclusion and strategic vision inclusion through teaming to upskill and provide an impact that goes beyond the organization. By having these three basic elements: Physical inclusion, technology or systems inclusion and goal manifestations inclusion then we can address the other aspects of well-being: vocational well-being, spiritual well-being, mental well-being, and financial and social well-being, I hope the platform can inspire more than nine wellbeing areas.
5. XUKRA highlights the importance of gratitude in the work culture. How is this culture fostered through the platform and what are its benefits?
Collaboration with suppliers of green products: Gratitude is the finest form of inclusion, it folds appreciation. The platform encourages gamification and tokenizes the gratitude messages. These tokens instantly unlock several levels of rewards and these rewards are either eco-friendly or iso compliant to customer and environment standards. With that, we create a purchasing power and a demand for eco-friendly products and this enhances the quality of life for the employees and the craftsmen.
6. XUKRA has a collaboration program with suppliers of green products. What is the main goal of this program and how does it work in practice?
Intensive and rewards systems programs are everywhere. In some organizations, it has the same name SHUKRAN. It proved to succeed in the commercial market. The difference is that the XUKRA” platform encourages gamification and tokenizes gratitude messages. These tokens instantly unlock several levels of rewards and these rewards are either eco-friendly or iso compliant to customer and environment standards. With that, we create a purchasing power and a demand for eco-friendly products and this enhances the quality of life for the employees and the craftsmen. The first onboard eco-products and services are Fino in Malta which is one of the furniture stores with customer labels and the Royal Society for Conservation of Nature in Jordan, with a wide range of eco-products and services by local producers.
7. What kind of benefits do green product suppliers get by joining this program?
1. They gain international visibility
2. New corporate gift markets
3. Audits on verified products
4. 12 co-branded vouchers
5. Annual agreements if the products were on-demand support product development
6. Long term partnership
8. How does XUKRA ensure that the products offered by suppliers are truly green and sustainable?
Impact and future of XUKRA: XUKRA” ensures product compliance with ISO14024 and it also follows international consumer protection policies and standards. We are very serious about eco-labels and high standards eco-products. Saying it’s green, is never enough we audit the production process or at least ask for our product lines to follow iso and be iso compliant. We had already eliminated partners and producers who did not show enough commitment. XUKRA” is designed to be trusted by banks and financial institutions, it is a key part of the green digital transformation for SMEs, artisans, and also for impact advisors.
9. XUKRA aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. What are the specific goals that the platform seeks to achieve and how is its impact measured?
All KPIs in the communication systems fall at least under two of 8 UNSDGs associated with well-being and circular economy. The main goals targeting business sustainability and workforce well-being are: Goals three, five, eight, ten and seventeen. While the reward system works for goals one, twelve and sixteen.
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth,
full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
In total XUKRA” works with eight UNSDGs goals and XUKRA” premium customers can add any other goal in their customized ESG roadmaps and strategies.
10. What are the plans for XUKRA? Are there any new features or programs in development?
XUKRA” will address nine areas of workplace wellbeing. We provide customized solutions based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). Our approach begins with developing strategies, followed by creating supportive spaces and systems, as all these elements together shape the organization’s impact. Next, we focus on enhancing social and financial wellbeing, which reflects our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies and the concept of double materiality. We then invest in upskilling through vocational training while also monitoring spiritual and mental wellness. Our technology will feature a simplified interface with single-user access for each organization. All updates will be managed in the back office, ensuring the platform represents sophisticated simplicity. We aim for users to enjoy the results, and I believe that fostering a vision of gratitude will have an infectious effect.
11. Finally, what message would you give to companies that are considering using XUKRA to improve inclusion and sustainability in their workplaces?
XUKRA” is ROI-based and designed to make gratefulness infectious. Gratitude is always back! Start your ESG early; it will benefit your business.
Thank you so much, Mais Taha, for granting us this interview. Your vision of inclusion and sustainability in the workplace through XUKRA is truly inspiring.
ProdAfrica Consulting & Business Directory and MTiPX (XUKRA) have joined forces in a strategic partnership to promote inclusion and sustainability in the workplace through the XUKRA platform. This alliance combines ProdAfrica Consulting’s expertise in business consulting with the innovation of the XUKRA platform, developed by MTiPX, creating a powerful synergy aimed at driving positive change within organizations.

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